Monday, July 23, 2007

commissioned corgis and animal spirits

Some corgis for my friend Lynn...


This is pretty large , 18" x 32", gouache on board. I'm asking $100 if anyone is interested

wolf spirits

See you guys at Comic Con! I'll be there friday until monday, will be costuming saturday and sunday in the demon suit, which looks like this:


Can't wait, it's going to be so much fun!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

etched copper dragon

Did an expirament and managed to etch some metal! I have always admired the steampunk brass etchings but never wanted to fiddle with electricity, it freaks me out. Mine are not nearly as good as his but it's a start. I didnt want to rip him off either so im glad mine isnt identical to the steampunk method.
It didnt put much effort into this first try, as I wasnt sure if my material would work and didnt want to waste time on something super detailed or large. I'll probably try out some jewelry or maybe just work larger and hang the metal right on the wall. I'd love to do some journal covers but again, I don't want to step on any steampunk toes.

Oh and here's the steampunk etching page! Pretty awesome! Click for the Steampunk Workshop...

And here is mine! It will get better with every attempt but for now im excited to have a new material to dink around with. Yay!

copper dragon

copper dragon 2

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

sorry for the bad photos!

painted journal goodness! $25 each....they are 5 x 8.5" moleskine paper cover cahier journals.



cat book
